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Project 3.

For this project the images are very sharp and minimal allowing all focus to be on the models movement, expression and the chosen look for each image. These images were shot for Compositions and Styling when I was developing of quick camera photography, working on different angels and movements to create a story. The images have been edited to be black and white, which allows for a whole new mood compared to previous projects, this feels subtle, deep and somewhat tranquil, this creating contrast with the movements and facial expressions that have been portrayed by the model. Them being somewhat strong, powerful, yet in some almost seems lost in her own thoughts. 


There is minimal use of props aside from the chair and the styling has been kept simplified, but through the way the model utilises what is there and what she is wearing and her own body, it creates a mood and story through that itself, each image almost seems as if it is depicting a different story in each. 

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